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Every Move Counts, Clicks and Chats

A sensory based approach to communication and assistive technology for individuals with significant sensory motor differences, developmental differences and autism.

The Authors

Jane Korsten

Jane has an undergraduate degree in elementary education from the University of Kansas, a M.A. in Speech Pathology and Audiology from the University of Illinois and has taken additional post graduate courses at University of Kansas, University of Missouri at Kansas City, University of Nebraska, Hamline University, and Ottawa University.

She has worked as a speech pathologist and AT resource with individuals from “birth to earth” having significant sensory motor differences and autism. She has worked in public schools, supported living settings for adults and private practice developing alternate communication systems for individuals who are non-verbal. She was the principal investigator on an Innovative Research Grant funded through the National Institutes of Health. This three year research project led to the development of Every Move Counts: a sensory based approach to communication.

In addition to Every Move Counts and Every Move Counts, Clicks and Chats, Jane is a co-author on How Do You Know It? How Can You Show It? Making Assistive Technology Decisions (2002 - Reed, Bowser and Korsten). She is a founding member of QIAT (Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology), a member of QILT (Quality Indicators Leadership Team) and a board member of the NATE Network (National Assistive Technology in Education). Since 1989, Jane has provided professional development on a variety of topics in 30 states.

Terry Foss

Terry Foss has been a special educator for 40 years in classrooms for students with severe multiple differences, autism, trainable mental differences, physical differences, and for the last 15 years as an AT resource facilitator for the Shawnee Mission School District in Kansas.

Although now retired, she has certification in regular elementary education, trainable mentally handicapped, educable mentally handicapped, and severely multiply handicapped. She graduated with a B.S. from Fort Hays State University and with a M. Ed. from the University of Kansas.

Terry's areas of expertise are in autism, severe to moderate differences in communication, behavior, developmental differences, sensory-based communication; and assistive technology. As one of the original authors of Every Move Counts and Every Move Counts, Clicks and Chats close friend and colleague of Jane Korsten she has spent much of the last 20 years implementing EMC. She has also presented several in-services and workshops for local school districts and for state and international conferences, such as Closing the Gap and ATiA. She was also a charter member of QILT and QIAT and is co-author of Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology: A Comprehensive Guide to Assistive Technology Services and The Qiat Companion: A Just-In-Time Resource for Implementing the Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology.

Lisa Berry

Lisa graduated from Rockhurst University with a B.A. in psychology in 1995 and in 1997 with a master’s degree in occupational therapy. During her first two years of practice Lisa spent time in both Arizona and Pennsylvania as a traveling therapist working in a variety of facilities ranging from geriatrics to pediatrics.

After returning to Kansas City in 1999, Lisa gained employment with the Gardner School district where she remained a staff pediatric therapist for 5 years. Simultaneously, Lisa worked for Infant-Toddler Services of Johnson County, serving children 0-3 and their families. Lisa is currently employed with Blue Valley School District in the Kansas City area as an early childhood occupational therapist.

Lisa is highly interested in sensory integration and facilitates sensory-based therapy for most of her clients. Lisa has presented many in-services on sensory integration and how to integrate sensory based techniques into the classroom and school environment. Lisa has had two articles published in OT Practice Magazine: Promoting Occupational Therapy in the School System (January 22, 2001) and Worlds Apart: Fine Motor Skills in Children in the U.S. and in a Developing Country (March 20, 2006).

Lisa is also a yoga instructor and incorporates the yoga philosophy in her occupational therapy practice.